How To Work From Home Using These 5 (Not So) Obvious Tips

how to work from home as a freelance writer

One of the biggest perks of becoming a freelancer is that it allows people to work in their own space. For many, that’s a huge draw particularly when that space is their own home.  Yet, working from home can also be challenging in more ways than you might imagine. It can be tough to stay […]

How To Start A Dental Writing Business When You Already Have a Job

how to start a dental writing business when you have a job

When most people consider freelancing they have one major setback. Unless they’re independently wealthy or are living off savings, they’ll likely have a full-time job.    Naturally, that poses problems because it’s probably something they want need to keep for now but equally, it means that they’re also left with limited time. So, if you’re […]

How To Market Yourself As A Freelance Dental Writer Using 3 Simple Steps

how to market yourself as a freelance dental writer

One of the questions I’m regularly asked by people looking to get into this industry is “How do I get clients?” The simple answer is that you have to market yourself. The more complex answer is that you have to take key steps to ensure that you continually promote yourself and your business so that […]

How To Write Dental Content Ethically Using AI with Examples

how to write dental content using A1

So you want to know how to write dental content using AI? Well, you’ve come to the right place. You don’t need to look far to see a headline or a news piece about AI advanced language models like ChatGPT and how they are disrupting the world of online content. Since its launch seven months […]

Dental Content Writing Business – How To Start With Zero Cash

Are you passionate about dentistry and possess good writing skills? If so, dental content writing may be a rewarding venture for you. But unlike most ventures, it doesn’t require a ton of cash to get started. Sure, you absolutely should invest in your business as it begins to grow, but if you’re starting out with […]

How To Balance Multiple Freelance Clients Using These 9 Golden Rules

When starting out as a dental content writer, the goal should be to get several freelance clients who require regular work.  Yet balancing multiple clients can be a considerable challenge, requiring mental strength, excellent communication skills and effective time management. In this post, I’ll show you nine golden rules on how to balance multiple freelance […]