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I am Dale King, a specialist dental copywriter. I love to share my knowledge of working within the dental niche with other like-minded individuals. 

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how to send a cold pitch that gets dental clients

How To Send A Cold Pitch That Lands Dental Clients

If you want to know how to send a cold pitch that lands dental clients, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to show you real-life examples that work.

However, before we begin, I want to start with a rant.

I can’t believe the number of cold pitches I receive from people requesting back-links, guest post opportunities or writing positions that are absolute garbage.

As a result, they don’t even get a look.

So, what do you do if you don’t want to get your emails deleted?

Avoid the common pitfalls that most people fall into.

We’ll dive into how to send a cold pitch email that gets dental clients and discuss what makes for a bad email. I’ll also show you some real-life examples of good and bad pitches so that you can see the difference.

So let’s dive straight in.

Problem #1 – Cold pitches that don’t address the recipient

discard emails

 I can’t tell you the number of pitches I get that start with:

‘Hey there’


‘Dear Sir’

Or my pet peeve,

Dear Hiring Manager’

When I get these emails, I discard them instantly.


If they can’t take the time to find my name (which isn’t hard to uncover on my website), what does it say about them or their business?

It doesn’t create a great first impression, right?

So, always address the intended recipient by name.

Let’s say you’re pitching a dental clinic for blogging opportunities. Look for the principal dentist or the practice manager and address them personally by name – ‘Hi Dr Smith’ or Hi (insert first name here), if it’s the practice manager.

This way, even when you can’t find a personal email address and need to use the practice email:


reception@ or


It stands a greater chance of getting in front of the intended recipient.

Essentially, if you want to know how to send a cold pitch that lands clients, you really need to do this!


Problem #2 – Focusing On You And Your Service

More often than not, emails focus on the sender and their service rather than on the prospect and what they need.

They typically start something like this…

‘Hi There’

My name is (insert name here), and I am a dental content writer. I have written content for dentists before and have good knowledge of general and advanced dentistry. For these reasons, I can write quality dental blogs. Feel free to check out my portfolio:

Do you see how this sounds?

It reads more like a résumé rather than a cold pitch, right?

Instead, you’ve got to identify a need and address that requirement right off the bat.

For example, 75% of all the dental websites I see don’t have an up-to-date blog.

This may be because the practice owner doesn’t see this as a priority right now. In this case, they aren’t looking to pay someone to write content anyway.

However, it could be that they:

  • want to blog but haven’t had the time, or
  • started but ran out of steam, or
  • haven’t found the right person yet.

Either way, you need to address their problem.

So something like:

“Hi, Dr Smith,

I came across your website and noticed that you have a blog that hasn’t been updated in a while. Do you need help with that?”

It’s clear, concise, and to the point, but at the same time, it shows the recipient that you’ve taken time to look at their website, identified an issue and offered a solution.

You can then talk about your experience but keep it short and to the point. Remember, this isn’t a résumé.

As harsh as it sounds, potential clients aren’t interested in how many degrees you have or where you went to school.

Instead, all they’re interested in is, “Are you the right person to help with their content?”

So when understanding how to send a cold pitch, consider the client’s needs a priority and make your pitch about them.

Problem #3 – The message is generic

Generic cut-and-paste emails are easy to spot and will be deleted quicker than you can say “osseointegration.”

Here’s one I received the other day:


We have a veteran team of website and iPhone/Android phone application developers. We have helped many clients bring their presence online and facilitate their business. If you are looking for any of the following services, then please reply to this mail for further discussion.

Area of service:
• Website development and support
• iPhone and Android mobile application development
• Online business promotional (SEO)

Thanks for sharing your valuable time in reading this massage.


Apologies to Aasha, but this is bad on so many levels.

  • Firstly, they’ve committed the cardinal sin of not addressing me personally, even though my first name is in my email address.
  • Secondly, because this is a generic email, they haven’t addressed my needs or business.
  • Thirdly, there is a fairly obvious typo. To be honest, I think I need a massage after reading that message


While I understand that English may not be the writer’s first language, this has probably been sent out to hundreds, if not thousands, of businesses.

Do you think they’ll generate much interest?

Nope, me neither.

Instead, try to identify the client’s area of interest and discuss that to make a connection.

It might be that the dental business has:

  • recently won an award,
  • expanded their practice,
  • have taken on a new dentist, or
  • has written an insightful piece of content that you found helpful.


Either way, include that in your opening paragraph.

So something like:

Hi, Dr Smith,

I was looking through your site and noticed you recently won recognition at the Global Health and Pharma Awards. Congratulations on your recent award. 

Identifying an area of interest adds value to your pitch because it shows you’ve taken the time to personalise your email to the recipient and their business.

Problem #4 – How (not) to send a cold pitch - Typos and abbreviations

The number one peeve for email recipients is typos and/or excessive use of abbreviations.

In a recent survey, Grammarly found that 93% of all email respondents admitted to sending emails with typos.

While that’s fine when emailing a friend or family member, it’s different when sending an email to a potential prospect.

As we’ve already touched on the typo problem in a previous example, I’ll show you an example of an abbreviation faux pas I received recently.

“Message Body:

I would like to know if u offer jobs for dentists

Thank you”

That’s it. Not even a ‘Hi there’ or how’s it going?’ Instead, they’ve just gone straight in for the kill.

That would be okay if they actually typed the word ‘you’ and not the shorthand version ‘u.’ 

I know I sound like the grammar police, and I don’t mean to, but this person is trying to land work writing for a living.

It doesn’t bode well if they can’t be bothered to spell words in full.

I’ll hold my hands up. My spelling and grammar are a little patchy from time to time, so I use Grammarly.

While it’s not always 100% correct, it picks up on a lot of stuff I might otherwise miss, and for that, it’s an incredibly useful tool. Although Grammarly Pro is a paid version, it has a free version that works well.

So if you haven’t already, it’s worth checking Grammarly out. You can find a link here.

Problem #5 – Relevancy

When you send someone a cold pitch, always ensure your service is relevant to the recipient.

This little beauty dropped into my inbox the other day

Here it is in full…

Hello, admin! I am Maryam, a guest post service provider. I saw your website https://www.momnewsdaily.com/  you are providing a guest post opportunity. I want to work on your website. Kindly share your rates, tat and further details of guest posting.



This person provides guest post services which is fair enough, but this is clearly a cut-and-paste email, and they forgot to remove the previous website details and put mine in its place.

Even If I get past the ‘hello admin’ and the odd typo, I don’t have a parenting blog. So this email is also a waste of the sender’s time and my time.

Problem #6 Not filling in the subject line

The final thing that people forget about is that all-important subject line.

This one ended up in my spam box. Can you see why?

No subject

To  [email protected]  


I am dentist, dental public health consultant and dental/medical content writer. Attached is my Upwork profile. I can work as low as 10 $ per hour and up to 40 hours per week. Hope to get work from you soon.

Kind regards,

Again, I might be able to get past not addressing me by name, but the email ended up in my spam box because there was no subject in that all-important subject line.

Instead, if they had put something like:

Looking for Writing Opportunities’ or ‘Dentist With Writing Expertise’ or ‘Passionate About Working With You’ it would have found my inbox and may have even piqued my interest.

When people get dozens of emails daily, you need to stand out, and the subject line is your chance to make a great first impression, so make it count.

So now we’ve been through an extensive list of not-so-good pitches, I thought it’s only fair to level up the playing field and give you real-life samples of how to send a cold pitch that works.

So here’s the first one:




How To Send A Cold Pitch That Lands Clients

Hi Dale, 

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Ainny Anwar, and I am a professional copywriter with a passion for helping businesses like yours succeed online.

With over four years of experience in copywriting, I have helped numerous businesses like yours boost their online presence with high-quality, engaging content.

I’ve helped the following websites to scale up: 

1) https://clinicgrower.com/

2) https://www.dagsmiles.com/

My approach is simple: I work closely with my clients to understand their unique voice, tone, and messaging goals. Then, I develop customised content that speaks to their target audience, drives conversions, and boosts their online visibility.

I am confident that I can help your clients achieve their full potential. Please let me know if you want to learn more about my copywriting services or would like to schedule a consultation. I would happily provide you with more information and answer any questions.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Book your meeting here: https://calendly.com/ainnyanwarcopywriter/30-min-discovery-call-with-ainny

Best regards,
Dr Ainny

As you can see, this pitch ticks most of the boxes. 

  • They address me by name
  • The copywriter tells me how they can help
  • They provide relevant samples
  • They demonstrate their expertise

On the whole, an impressive pitch.

Here’s another one:

How To Send A Cold Pitch That Lands Clients - Example Two

Subject line – Could you use another writer?

Hello, Dale

I’m an independent freelance dental content writer currently living in Central Asia. When I lived in the United States (my home country), I worked as a dental hygienist for several years. I loved the field, but I love traveling and writing even more. 

So dental content writing it is! 

I have a steady working relationship with one dental content writing agency, and I pick up side jobs on freelance platforms such as Upwork. This situation has been working out fine for me, so I’m not exactly desperate for more work.

However, as I’m sure you’re already well aware, this industry brings both feast and famine. 

I’d like to offer my services if your dental writing team has any openings. Or hey, even just on the occasion that you have an overabundance of projects.

My point is that I’m not looking for a full-time gig, just something to fill in the gaps in my schedule

Please excuse my intrusion if you aren’t looking to hire more writers now! Honestly, I just liked your approach in the blog on your website and realised my voice and writing values could quickly assimilate into those of your team.

This was just a “hello-I’m-curious-about-any-potential-opportunities” sort of inquiry. I’d be happy to send samples of my work and discuss your price range if you’re ready to hire a new writer.

By the way, I have experience writing for UK, Canadian and Australian dental practices, so I’m familiar with the legal restrictions imposed on medical marketing language. They do differ from crazy claims made by some US dentists!

Let me know what you think!

With a multitude of thanks for taking the time to read my inquiry,


Okay, this pitch may be a little lengthy, but it works on many levels.

Firstly it has got that all-important personalised feel. This writer talks about her familiarity with legal restrictions placed upon medical marketing, and above all, her approach to pitching is understanding, respectful and different.

Needless to say, I did have a vacancy, got in contact, and she became a valued member of my team.


How To Send A Cold Pitch That Lands Clients - The Key Takeaway

So there you have it, how to send a cold pitch that gets dental clients and what not to do

If you are starting and value the content I provide, visit my website, Dental Writers Club and download my free guide. It walks you through the entire process, from getting started to landing your first client.

Thanks, and here’s to your success.