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I am Dale King, a specialist dental copywriter. I love to share my knowledge of working within the dental niche with other like-minded individuals. 

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how to write dental content using A1

How To Write Dental Content Ethically Using AI with Examples

So you want to know how to write dental content using AI? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

You don’t need to look far to see a headline or a news piece about AI advanced language models like ChatGPT and how they are disrupting the world of online content. Since its launch seven months ago, ChatGPT already boasts over 100 million regular users generating a staggering 1.8 billion monthly hits. According to Forbes magazine, this makes it the fastest-growing consumer application in history.

Like it or loathe it, AI tools (of which there are many) are here to stay and will only get better and better. The question is, should you use it to write dental content for your clients?

Possibly… maybe!

In this post, we’ll look at how to write dental content using AI, ethically and correctly – with examples.

Before we get into it, I have a confession to make. Like many other freelancers, I was very concerned about its existence and, for a while, thought that it would spell the end for freelance content writers. The trouble is, there’s only so long you can put your hand over your ears, hum loudly, and ignore the noise.

However, I’ve looked into it and found a way to use it and make it work for me, and I want to share it with you.

So without further ado, here’s a step-by-step guide to how I incorporate AI properly and ethically for my client’s dental content needs. Hopefully, you can follow the same steps to produce your own quality, unique content.

Ready? Let’s get started.

How to write dental content using AI – The benefits

benefits of using A1 for dental content

If you’re wondering why you should write a blog post for clients using advanced learning tools like ChatGPT, the most significant benefit is that it can produce large amounts of content in seconds. It never runs out of ideas and, unlike its human counterparts, doesn’t suffer from writer’s block.

So, if you need a lot of content for clients, then on the surface, AI may be a massive timesaver.

But is the content they produce any good?

I’ve played around with several of these advanced language simulators like ChatGPT. I must admit they’re better than I imagined in terms of what they produce and how they create it – particularly compared to the article spinners of yesteryear.

Does the content lack the human touch that makes it personable? Absolutely!

Is it always factually correct? Nope!

And therein lies the problem.

The AI dilemma and other issues

You see, while AI-generated copy may be coherent and possibly, passable for a blog post, reading it can leave you feeling a little cold.

If you’ve spent any time viewing artificially-generated content, you’ll know exactly what I mean.

The trouble is that it’s vital in dentistry to engage with readers, make a good first impression, position the dentist as an authority and build trust. Therefore, passing pure AI-generated content off on your client’s dental blog is counterproductive.

Sure, it will produce lots of content with minimal effort, but until AI gets better at emotional learning, it’s likely to do your business and your client’s business more harm than good. So, don’t do it!

Unfortunately, that’s the bottom line.

But there are other issues too:

While Google has finally said it won’t penalise AI-generated content, it will be hard to rank for in its purest form.


Because pure AI content doesn’t meet Google’s E-E-A-T ranking criteria.

You see, Google prefers to rank content portraying experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) because its ethos has always been to provide the searcher with the best content in return.

This makes sense because when you search for a particular term, you want your search query answered in detail by a content expert.

The problem with an AI tool like Chat GPT is that it isn’t human and, therefore, can’t become a true expert on all topics. In other words, it’s currently unable to develop content that indicates first-hand life experience on:

  • a place
  • a product, or
  • a problem.

This is why pure AI-generated content is unlikely to rank highly, if at all.

That said, AI chat boxes like GPT are still convenient tools to have in your content writing arsenal if you:

  • Embrace them, and
  • Know how to use them effectively.

The question is, how do you write dental content using AI and not feel like you’ve sold your soul to the devil?

Here are the steps you need to take:

how to write dental content using A1 - steps to take

#1 Keyword research

Did you know you can use AI tools like Chat GPT to conduct basic keyword research? Simply prompt it with something like “best keywords for dental implants” and see what comes up.

I did precisely this, and here’s what it returned:

Dental implants

Implant dentistry

Tooth implants

Dental implant surgery

Implant-supported dentures

All-on-4 dental implants

Mini dental implants

Bone grafting for dental implants

Immediate load dental implants

Single tooth implant

Full-arch dental implants

Dental implant cost

Dental implant procedure

Dental implant benefits

Dental implant complications

Dental implant maintenance

Dental implant specialists

Dental implant clinic

Dental implant restoration

Dental implant alternatives.

As you can see, most of these are popular short-tailed key phrases, not the low-hanging fruit that SEO experts love. Nevertheless, they’re a good starting point.

Next, using a conventional keyword tool extension on your browser, enter each phrase to see how many people are searching per month.

At the same time, look at Google’s autocomplete predictions to see if you can find some better, more focused derivatives.

In this case, the term “tooth implant cost” won out because it had over 4400 hits per month and relatively limited competition.

Once I’d found my chosen key phrase, it was back to Chat GPT for the next step.

#2 – How to write dental content using AI – Generating titles

Once you have your chosen keyword, you need to find a quality blog title based on that phrase.

Let’s say your key phrase is “tooth implant cost“. Again, I prompted chat GPT with the following command:

Generate blog titles – tooth implant cost.

Here’s what came up:

Understanding Tooth Implant Cost: Factors and Considerations”

“The Price of a Perfect Smile: Exploring Tooth Implant Costs”

“Budgeting for Dental Implants: What You Need to Know About Cost”

“Is the Cost of Tooth Implants Worth It? Weighing Benefits and Expenses”

“Unveiling the Truth Behind Tooth Implant Costs”

“Affordable Dental Implants: How to Find Cost-Effective Options”

“Decoding Dental Implant Pricing: What Determines the Cost?”

“Comparing Tooth Implant Costs: Making Informed Decisions”

“Cracking the Code: Understanding Tooth Implant Pricing Structures”

“From Cost to Confidence: Investing in Tooth Implants for a Lifetime”

I opted for the first one on the list.

If you don’t like these titles, you could always hit the ‘regenerate’ key. But let’s say you find one you want; the next step is to use it to outline an article.

#3 – Article outlining

Now you have your chosen title; you should enter a new chat and type in the following:

Generate blog post on (your chosen article title)” and see what comes up.

In my case, it was:

“Understanding Tooth Implant Cost: Factors and Considerations

Here is what it generated:

Understanding Tooth Implant Cost: Factors and Considerations


Are you considering tooth implants to restore your smile and regain full functionality? Dental implants have become a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth, providing natural-looking and long-lasting results. However, one crucial aspect to consider is the cost of tooth implants. Understanding the factors that influence implant costs can help you make an informed decision and plan your dental budget accordingly. In this blog post, we will delve into the various factors and considerations that affect tooth implant costs.

Number of Implants:

The number of dental implants you require is a significant factor in determining the overall cost. If you need a single tooth implant, the cost will be considerably lower than if you require multiple implants to replace several missing teeth. Your dentist will assess your specific case and recommend the number of implants needed to restore your dental function and aesthetics.

Implant Material:

Dental implants can be made from different materials, including titanium and zirconia. Titanium implants are more commonly used due to their durability, biocompatibility, and long-term success rates. Zirconia implants, while aesthetically pleasing, may be more expensive. The choice of implant material can affect the cost of the procedure.

Preparatory Procedures:

In some cases, preparatory procedures such as bone grafting or sinus lifts may be necessary before implant placement. These procedures help create a suitable foundation for the implant by augmenting the bone or sinus cavities. The need for such procedures will depend on the condition of your jawbone and surrounding structures. If additional procedures are required, they will contribute to the overall cost of the tooth implant treatment.


The geographical location of your dental practice can influence the cost of tooth implants. Dental fees may vary between regions or countries, reflecting differences in overhead costs, local market conditions, and the level of expertise of dental professionals. It’s worth considering that travelling abroad for cheaper dental implants may come with challenges and risks.

Expertise and Credentials:

The skills and experience of the dental professional performing the implant procedure can impact the cost. Highly trained and experienced implant specialists or prosthodontists may charge higher fees due to their expertise and the quality of care they provide. Choosing a well-qualified implant dentist is crucial to ensure the success and longevity of your tooth implants.

Dental Insurance and Financing Options:

The availability of dental insurance coverage and financing options can significantly impact the affordability of tooth implants. Some insurance plans may provide partial coverage for dental implants, while others may not cover them at all. Exploring dental financing plans, such as instalment payment options or healthcare credit cards, can help you manage the cost of tooth implant treatment more comfortably.


Tooth implant costs can vary based on several factors, including the number of implants needed, the materials used, any additional preparatory procedures required, the location of the dental practice, the expertise of the dental professional, and the availability of dental insurance or financing options. It’s essential to consult with your dentist to get an accurate cost estimate for your specific case.

While dental implants may seem like a significant investment, they offer many benefits, including improved oral health, enhanced chewing ability, and a natural-looking smile. Remember, when it comes to dental implants, it’s crucial to prioritise quality and long-term success over cost alone.

As you can see, it’s grammatically correct and does what it says on the tin. The problem is that it lacks character. You could, of course, hand it over to your client or paste it straight into their blogging platform and hey, presto! There’s your blog post.

However, for reasons already stated, don’t do that.

So here’s what you do instead.

#4 – Rewrite using E-E-A-T guidelines

Using the key points in the generated blog as prompts, rewrite the article personally with the E-E-A-T ranking guidelines (experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness).

So, look to:

  • Make it more personal. Remember, there’s going to be a real person reading it.
  • Consider breaking up the longer paragraphs into more manageable, readable sections.
  • Don’t forget to include catchy sub-headers (H2’s) and links to authoritative sites.
  • Back up your content with statistics where applicable


  • Create a good meta description and meta title so the search engines know what your post is about.

Do these things, and you should now have a comprehensive AI-generated article that is also engaging and search-engine friendly.

Now you’ve done that,it’s time for one last step.

#5 – How to write dental content using AI – Final check and edit

Because the article has been added to and altered, you should take the time to check it through for any apparent typos and ensure it’s fact-checked if applicable. You may want to run it through a grammar tool like Grammarly to ensure optimum readability and a plagiarism tool like Copyscape to ensure the content is plagiarism free.

As a side note, some tools supposedly spot AI content, but they’re not exact. For example, I took one of my old blog posts produced way before AI was a thing and ran it through one of these tools. It suggested that the content was at least 25% AI generated – Okay, so perhaps my early blogs weren’t as engaging back in the day, but come on? That’s just plain insulting!

Anyway, I digress…

Make any checking and editing changes above, and you should now be good to go.

How to write dental content using AI – The key takeaway

Like it or not, AI is here to stay. So, as writers, we either learn to embrace it or avoid it. In truth, doing the latter isn’t an option.

Personally, I don’t see AI as the considerable threat many people make it out to be. Instead, I use it to help with keyword research, finding engaging blog titles and plan content to eradicate those moments of writer’s block.

This really works for me.

Sure, you’re not going to be able to fire off 2000+ words in a few seconds, but what you will have is a meaningful, personalised post that is, to all intent and purpose, written by a human but aided by advanced language-model learning. Collectively, that may be a beautiful thing.

What are your thoughts on blogging with AI?

Is it something you’ve tried or are keen to try?

Let me know in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to my blog.