5 Things I Suck At As A Freelance Dental Writer, And Why I’m Telling You!

Even now, as an experienced freelance dental writer, there are things I’m not so good at. There, I’ve said it. Moreover, I thought it would be a good idea (read stupid!) to document those weaknesses here in a blog post. The reason? I guess, to show everyone that you don’t need to be perfect to […]

Life As A Freelance Dental Writer – The Pros And Cons Unboxed

freelance dental writer working in cafe

If you’re reading this post, then chances are you’re considering a career as a freelance dental writer, and you’re not alone. In the US, 60 million people worked freelance in 2023 and in the UK and Europe, around 14% of the continent’s workforce are freelancers. While remote working has served me well over the past […]

Overcoming Self Doubt – Unleash Your True Potential With These 5 Top Tips

One of the biggest challenges freelancers face is overcoming self-doubt. It’s certainly an issue I struggled with for years. From wondering whether I’d got what it takes, to questioning whether I was charging enough, those negative thoughts would pop into my head, usually without warning. The trouble is that when you work for yourself, particularly […]

Imposter Syndrome And How To Overcome It As A Dental Writer

I’ll let you into a secret, even though I’ve been a specialist dental writer for 12+ years, I still have doubts. “Can I really do this?” “Maybe I just got lucky.” “I’m not sure I’m good enough.” That’s imposter syndrome! It’s true! Even now, I get those little voices in my head that cast doubts […]