I’ll let you into a secret, even though I’ve been a specialist dental writer for 12+ years, I still have doubts.
“Can I really do this?”
“Maybe I just got lucky.”
“I’m not sure I’m good enough.“
That’s imposter syndrome!
It’s true! Even now, I get those little voices in my head that cast doubts and stifle confidence.
If you know my back story, you’ll see that I don’t have a journalism degree or have worked in the dental profession. However, a lot of my co-writers and peers have.
I’m not a super-confident person anyway, and I often question how I’ve had career successes over others more qualified than me.
For the most part, I’ve been in the right place at the right time, and when opportunities have presented themselves, I’ve said yes first and then worried about how to achieve them second.
Call it luck, call it naivety, but this way of not overthinking stuff has enabled me to work with some of the biggest hitters in the industry. In fact, If I’d thought about some of those opportunities first, doubts would have crept in, and I probably would have talked myself out of it.
So if you get doubts and start questioning yourself and your abilities occasionally, you’re not alone. In fact, you’re among 82% of the world’s population who suffer from some degree of imposter syndrome – me included!
The question is, how do you (and I) overcome imposter syndrome as dental writers – hint – it isn’t always as easy as giving yourself a pep talk.
Instead, we may have to dig deep to uncover ways to overcome this mindset. So let’s do exactly that.
#1 – Imposter syndrome doesn't define you

When we experience the occasional self-doubt or negative thought, it’s worth remembering that successful businessmen and women have also built impressive careers while coping with imposter syndrome.
Take Maya Angelou, the writer, poet and civil rights activist. She was once quoted as saying, “ I’ve written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘Uh oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody, and they’ll find me out.”
Academy Award-winning actor Tom Hanks was also quoted as saying, “No matter what we’ve done, there comes a point where you think, ‘How did I get here? When are they going to discover that I am, in fact, a fraud and take everything away from me?
Even Richard Branson said in 2018, “ Ever since I’ve been working, I have always had a bit of imposter syndrome. I’ll think I shouldn’t be in my job and somebody else should be doing it.”
These quotes are from some of the most successful and influential people of our time. We should take heart from the fact that imposter syndrome doesn’t and shouldn’t define who we are. It’s okay to have doubts, but we can be successful despite them.
#2 Release your inner perfectionist

There’s a great saying that goes, “Make it work, make it fast, make it right”. In other words, start on a project now and worry about the finer details later.
Over time, I’ve learned this the hard way, mainly when writing complex content, and I’ve started it a dozen times. After a while, imposter syndrome typically kicks in, and questions arise about whether I’m cut out to do this.
This is hugely counterproductive and doesn’t put me in a good place.
So, I’ve learned to release my inner perfectionist, not get hung up on the finer details and get something down on paper first (make it work, make it fast). Doing so gives me that initial sense of achievement. Once I’ve done that, I’m in a better frame of mind to fine-tune it.
That’s the theory anyway, but one that works for me.
#3 – You don't need to be an absolute expert

All too often, there’s a mindset in freelance writing that if you don’t know everything about a particular subject, you don’t know anything. This can lead to imposter syndrome, which, in turn, can paralyse you from ever starting anything.
Here’s my take on it.
Provided you aren’t suggesting you’re the leading authority on a particular subject and are honest with yourself and others about your knowledge and capabilities, you can still be an expert in your niche.
You see, people aren’t expecting you to be the leading authority on aspects of dentistry. You just need to have a sound knowledge of the various treatments and services that most clinics provide.
Am I a leading authority on dental implants? Nope!
Do I know enough about the subject to provide significant value to people who know next to nothing about implant-based restorations? Absolutely.
And therein lies the key. Get comfortable knowing that you don’t need to be an absolute expert, and you won’t feel so much of an imposter.
#4 – Recall success

Of course, when you feel like an imposter, it can be hard to appreciate success. So if you hear those voices, it pays to remind yourself of your recent wins.
This can be something as simple as rereading great feedback from your first dental client or having your first $1000 month.
Document those little wins and successes and bring them out occasionally when imposter syndrome is starting to rear its ugly head and you need a lift. It’s the quickest way to say, “You know what? I am good at what I do, and I deserve to be here“.
Imposter syndrome – the bottom line

It’s easy when starting on a new career path like dental content writing to think that you
- don’t belong
- you shouldn’t be here, or
- you’re not good enough.
The truth is that if you believe in yourself and commit to taking steps every day, then it is possible to build a sustainable business as a trusted and well-paid dental writer, irrespective of the negative voices within.
If you haven’t already, visit the box on the home page and download my free guide to becoming a well-paid dental writer.
It takes you from a total novice and gives you the information you need to position yourself as an expert dental content writer, ready to land your first well-paying client.
Additionally, if it’s something particular you need to know about, like money, marketing, laying the foundations, or freelancing life in general, feel free to check out my blogs.
I’ll add to them regularly, so feel free to look.
So, again, a very warm welcome to DWC, and
Here’s to your success!
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