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I am Dale King, a specialist dental copywriter. I love to share my knowledge of working within the dental niche with other like-minded individuals. 

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Dental Content Writing Business – How To Start With Zero Cash

Are you passionate about dentistry and possess good writing skills? If so, dental content writing may be a rewarding venture for you.

But unlike most ventures, it doesn’t require a ton of cash to get started.

Sure, you absolutely should invest in your business as it begins to grow, but if you’re starting out with a ‘whole heap of nothing’, you can still land your first client within a short time with no upfront cost.

So, if you want to know how to start a dental content business with zero cash, then you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll guide you through the process. Are you ready? Then let’s go.

Step #1 – Take Action

How to stat a dental content writing business - action

Do you know the most challenging part of any business?

Getting started.

It’s true!

It’s easy to find a million and one excuses why you shouldn’t start a business,

Excuses like

“I don’t have a website.”

“No one knows who I am.”

“I don’t know where to go to find work.

are all too common.

In truth, the only reason you need is the one reason why you should.

That reason should be the sole motivator that drives you forward.

That may be to:

  • Earn a few extra bucks a month doing something you love,
  • Work from home full-time, or
  • Spend more time with family.

Whatever that reason is, write it down, pin it to the wall and let that be your driving force.

If you know anything about me, you’ll know I started writing articles on my dining room table with a clunky old second-hand laptop. I had no website and zero marketing skills. But what I did have was a will to succeed.

Guess what? I managed to land work.

So if a guy with no previous writing experience and a laptop that looked like it came out of the stone age can do it, you can too.

So where should you start?

Develop your dental content writing skills

The only way to get better at writing is to write more. So, you need to start honing your craft. If you don’t already have paid-word processing software like Microsoft Word, you can start with a free, open-source office suite like Libre Office to build your portfolio. Libre does the same stuff as Word, except it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles. That’s perfectly okay if you’re starting out.

Look to write a variety of content on all aspects of dentistry, including:

    • Comparison articles – Bridges vs crowns, which should you choose?
    • How to articles – How to get the best from your Invisalign Aligners
    • Review pieces – The top whitening toothpaste for 2023
    • Blog posts – 5 cool reasons to get dental implants


There are plenty of examples on the internet, so familiarise yourself with them and make your version the best you can.

Ideally, you’ll want a good mix of around ten pieces of your finest work. Once you have these, you’re ready to:

Create your online portfolio                              

To showcase your expertise and attract paying dental clients, you need to create a portfolio of your best content writing.

But how do you do that when you don’t have a writer’s website?

The answer?

Use one of the many online portfolios that are available. While you have to pay for some, others are free to use or, at the very least, provide a free version.

Most allow you to upload up to ten pieces for free. Uploading content this way provides a great way to get your dental content writing online without costing you a penny. Two of the most popular are:

Take a look around and pick the one you feel more suited to. Then create an ‘about me’ profile, upload your work, and that’s you done; you’re good to go.

Of course, your portfolio should change and adapt as and when you create new and better pieces, but for now, you can use it to help land clients, and that’s what the next step is all about.

Here’s an in-depth article about how to create a great online portfolio that will wow potential clients.

Step #2 - Finding Dental Content Writing Clients

Pitching is the part that most new freelance writers struggle with, but if you don’t put yourself out there, you aren’t going to land work. So where do you start?

Here are some tips:

Join sites like Upwork.

If you don’t already know, Upwork is an online platform that connects clients looking to get projects done with freelancers looking for gigs. What’s more, it’s free!

Some seasoned writers don’t have a good word to say about platforms like Upwork, but it can be a great place to get started.

All you need to do is to sign up, fill in your profile, and you’re ready to find a gig. 

Look through the project descriptions, find one or more you’d be suited to, and fire off a personalised proposal.

The downsides are that there can be a lot of competition, but if your proposal is convincing and you have the right skillset accompanied by relevant samples, you can land your first paying gig.

Remember, you can always direct them to your online portfolio or attach a sample to the proposal.

If you’re unsure about how to write a project application that stands out, here’s a good post on how to write a killer Upwork proposal


The second thing you can do is to network within the dental community. Look to join dental forums and social media groups and start making connections. Try to engage in discussions and offer valuable insights where possible. Doing so makes you known; therefore, people may be more likely to hire you when they need dental content writing.

Cold pitching

Finally, we need to talk about cold pitching. This is an essential part of marketing and, indeed, landing your first client as a dental content writer.

When done well, cold pitching is a great way of connecting with potential clients and provides another free way to land paying dental gigs.

How do you find dental businesses to pitch to?

Go to Google and type in the following:

“Dental offices in (your state or area)”

And see what comes up.

Then it’s simply a case of finding their contact details and dropping them a line. Many people sweat at the thought of sending cold pitches, but there’s a knack to doing it.

Once you make it part of your routine, it isn’t difficult so long as you know the ground rules.

Don’t worry because I have you covered. I’ve written a blog post that tells you exactly how to do that.

Offer guest posting opportunities

The final aspect of marketing I want to talk about is guest posting. This is a great way to get your writing in front of the masses. Moreover, it doesn’t cost you a penny. So, why would you contact dental practices or dental publications and offer to write a free guest post?

Well, there are several reasons.

  • Firstly, it lets you practice and hone your content writing skills and get your content online.
  • Secondly, if the publication or website has a large readership, you can quickly become recognised as a trusted authority, giving you the possibility of obtaining more work as a dental content writer.

The bottom line is that guest posting is an excellent way of marketing yourself while positioning you as the go-to dental writer in your area. 

Want to know more? Here’s an interesting article on everything you need to know about guest blogging.  

Step #3 – Rinse and Repeat

The final step of starting a dental content writing business with zero cash is to do more of what you’re already doing.

So many wannabee freelancers look at our profession as a quick way to earn a few bucks, and when it doesn’t happen, they quit.

In truth, you’ll probably need to put in a lot of leg work before you land your first paying client, which can take time. So if you need to earn money today, this probably isn’t for you.

However, if you develop a routine, you can rinse and repeat, week in and week out; you will eventually get results. So write yourself a weekly plan of action and make it happen.

While that might not be the quick-fix solution you want to hear, look at it this way, what other business can you start with zero upfront capital and earn good money in the process?

I bet you can’t think of one!

Write daily, market yourself regularly and repeat the process; before long, you will be a trusted dental content writer with regular paying clients.

How to start a dental content writing biz with zero cash – The takeaway

Creating a dental content writing business with little or no money is achievable, provided you have the right approach and determination to succeed. Focus on developing your writing skills, create a strong portfolio, and regularly market yourself, and you won’t go far wrong.

Then, once you’ve hit on a routine that works for you, do more of the same.

To learn more about where to start as a dental content writer, visit the Dental Writer’s Club website and download my free guide on How To Be A Well-Paid Dental Writer With No Experience: nothing to pay, no strings, just great, informative content.

Here’s to your success.
