Imposter Syndrome And How To Overcome It As A Dental Writer

I’ll let you into a secret, even though I’ve been a specialist dental writer for 12+ years, I still have doubts. “Can I really do this?” “Maybe I just got lucky.” “I’m not sure I’m good enough.” That’s imposter syndrome! It’s true! Even now, I get those little voices in my head that cast doubts […]
Freelance Writing Rates – Per Word, Hour, or Project? What’s It To Be?

In a previous post, we talked about setting your freelance writing rates to arrive at an hourly fee that works for you. So, in this article, I thought I would follow it up by discussing how projects are priced up and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. So, let’s get into it! How Projects […]
Dental Content Writing – 8 Key Points To Know Before Starting

The old saying that ‘hindsight is a wonderful thing’ never rang truer than when looking back on my early years when dental content writing for paying clients . If I had known then what I know now, I probably definitely would have done things differently. Alas, I didn’t, and instead, I naively set off on […]
Freelance Dental Writer – How Much Should You Really Charge?

So, you want to become a freelance dental writer? If that’s the case, then a question I’m sure you’re dying to ask is “How much should I charge?” If you’ve already downloaded my free guide, you’ll know that when I first started freelancing, my very first project was for 1 cent per word. Yep. I […]
How To Balance Multiple Freelance Clients Using These 9 Golden Rules

When starting out as a dental content writer, the goal should be to get several freelance clients who require regular work. Yet balancing multiple clients can be a considerable challenge, requiring mental strength, excellent communication skills and effective time management. In this post, I’ll show you nine golden rules on how to balance multiple freelance […]
What To Do When You Lose A Client – And What You Can Do To Move Forwards Fast

In the freelancing world, you need to have bounce-back-ability! After all, things don’t always go according to plan, like when clients bail on you. It’s a fact of life that happens to the best of us. So this post is all about what to do when you lose a client. Maybe your client has decided […]
How To Send A Cold Pitch That Lands Dental Clients

If you want to know how to send a cold pitch that lands dental clients, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m going to show you real-life examples that work. However, before we begin, I want to start with a rant. I can’t believe the number of cold pitches I receive from people requesting […]
So,You Want To Be A Dental Content Writer – 3 Key Steps To Getting Started

If you’re reading this, you want to know how to become a dental content writer. Congratulations on taking the first step. It could be that you’re looking to make changes in your life. Maybe to: Ease the pressure financially by supplementing your current income Transition away from your day job Into doing something you genuinely […]